This page is for leaders on Lāna‘i
Read this website page to understand the purpose and flow of our books. Send all requests to purchase books at a discounted rate for your school or organization to: info@discoveryartforyouth.org
Our mission is to inspire youth to discover hope, healing & growth in their lives through nature, culture, reflection and art.
A Social Emotional Wellness Resource
We create educational expressive art activity books that take youth on a creative journey through 20 key reflection topics that empower youth on a journey of inner transformation & personal enrichment that flows from the start of the book to the last page. Through the reflections and activities in the book, youth discover the beauty of nature and wildlife and how spending time in nature has a powerful way of balancing their natural rhythm and helping them feel calm, clear and regulated. They discover hope, healing and growth in their lives through creativity, self-expression, writing and coloring. They discover how reflecting on a positive question can shift their perspective and help guide their inner transformation while discovering their value and voice. Ultimately, they discover that their life matters, what their place in their community is and how their gifts and talents can become an offering to bring kindness to others.
This educational expressive art activity book, Discover Lāna‘i Nature & Wildlife, is appropriate for youth grades K-12 and has been vetted and approved by the Hawaii State Department of Education. It incorporates elements of ‘Āina-based education and learning, reflection for Social Emotional Wellness and Art for a safe way for youth to express themselves while being surrounded by the beauty of their island.
A Peek Inside - Discover Lāna‘i Nature & Wildlife
A Creative Journey
Discover Lāna‘i Nature & Wildlife
a creative journey of hope, healing & growth
Our expressive art coloring activity books take children and youth on a creative discovery that starts on page one and comes full circle on the last page. The beginning of the book presents the idea that a child’s life is like a beautiful tree. As they interact with the reflective questions and express themselves, they cultivate the life of their tree. The coloring pages surround the child with the beauty of nature. From this place, they can learn, discover and grow from a place of peace, openness and curiosity. As they approach the last page, the child shifts from focusing on their own life and begins to realize they have beautiful leaves flowing from their tree that can bring hope, healing and kindness to others. This empowers children and youth to realize they have the ability to make the world a better place, in their own unique and creative way.
To discover the beauty of nature and wildlife and how spending time in nature has a powerful way of balancing our natural rhythm and helping us feel calm, clear and regulated.
To discover hope, healing and growth in our lives while interacting with the pages of our coloring activity books through creativity, self-expression, writing and coloring.
To discover how reflecting on a positive question can shift our perspective and help guide our inner transformation while discovering our value and voice.
The Layout
We create high quality educational expressive art coloring activity books to help children and youth discover hope, healing and growth in their lives. Our coloring activity books have 40 interactive pages.
The left side has reflection for personal growth and self-expression.
The right side has a beautiful nature themed coloring page.

Hope * Healing * Growth
Expressive Art
Our high-quality expressive art coloring activity books help children and youth have a safe way to:
Process their Emotions
Foster Courage
Develop Positive Coping Skills
Reduce Anxiety
Express Themselves
Discover Hope
Cultivate Healing
Reflect and Grow
Know their Value
Find their Voice
and ultimately...
Realize how they can make a positive difference in this world.
How our books help
“The Maui Youth and Family Services School-Based Counselors who work in the schools are all invested in the well-being of our Maui keiki and how we can help them with their journey of hope, healing, and growth. Mahalo for creating such a helpful and beautiful counseling tool that we can use with our students for social emotional wellness, trauma care and prosocial skills development. We love the layout of the workbook, the writing prompts, space for self-expression and the amazing artwork for the coloring pages. These books are sure to enrich our program participants' journey of healing. This resource is much needed in our schools, especially at this time! Thank you for your offering."
Heather Long, CSAC
School-Based Counselor
Baldwin High School - Maui Hawaii
The books are created to meet children and youth where they are.
They are simple enough you can adapt it for elementary age yet deep enough the middle school age and high school teens can go on a deeper journey of personal enrichment and growth. -
Art, when used as therapy, is part of nonverbal communication for children who may not be able to articulate their emotions and feelings. The coloring opens up a window into their heart and the reflection creates a safe way to start important conversations.
Teachers often use these books as a "soft start" for the day. There are 20 key reflective themes that make it easy to focus on one theme per week. This is a tool you can also use for personal enrichment and growth that is easy to flow into your overall planning.