We’ve partnered with the Los Angeles County Office of Education Wellbeing Support Services, to create a trauma care & resilience building expressive art resource specifically for Los Angeles students grades K-12. Through the activities in the book youth will have a safe way to process their emotions after the trauma and develop resilience for the long journey ahead towards recovery. We have donated our time & talent in creating the books, all donations will help us cover the cost to print these books in LA. The LACOE will distribute the books to each of the schools. We have the capacity to help up to 1.5 million youth. It only costs us .50 per youth served.
$250,000 - To reach the 500,000 youth most directly impacted by the fires.
$750,000 - To reach the 1.5 million youth we have the capacity to serve through our connection with the LACOE, other private schools and youth programs in LA.
Your donation, big or small, will directly impact these children’s lives. We will provide these books to as many youth as we have the capacity to help based on the donations we receive.
Please help share this page with anyone you know looking for ways to help LA youth!
Email us to set up a chat time if you would like to learn more or ask questions. info@discoveryartforyouth.org
How we are helping Los Angeles Students
In a rapid response to help the students of LA after the fires, we quickly collaborated with the Los Angeles County Office of Education Wellbeing and Support Services, to create a new expressive art activity book titled, Discover at the Ocean. This book will be available in both English and Spanish. Through the activities in the book youth will have a safe way to process their emotions after the trauma and develop resilience for the long journey ahead towards recovery.
ART AFTER TRAUMA - When children and youth are experiencing something traumatic, they find it difficult to talk about what they are feeling. Creativity allows for a safe way for them to express their emotions. When doing pages in this book with school counselors and teachers, it cultivates connection and opportunity for important conversations to take place.
REGULATING THE NERVOUS SYSTEM - Coloring helps us regulate our nervous system. It is also known that spending time in nature has a powerful way of balancing our natural rhythm and helping us feel calm, grounded and regulated. This is why all of our coloring pages are focused on the beauty of nature and the outdoors. The reflection activities on each page promote positive coping skills and personal growth.
The 20 key reflective prompts and activities in the book help youth cultivate resilience for the long journey of recovery. Youth will focus on practicing self-care, maintaining a positive outlook, learning from setbacks, actively taking steps towards their goals and having patience when they experience ups and downs. Through creative self-expression, youth develop a strong sense of self-awareness and confidence, laying a foundation for a positive self-image. These books empower youth to navigate life's challenges with greater emotional intelligence, resilience, and well-being as they transition into the next season of their lives. They discover who they are and how their unique gifts can make a difference in their community.
This educational expressive art activity book, Discover at The Ocean, is appropriate for youth grades K-12. Leaders know how to adapt it for each grade level.
If your school can do a drive for NEW coloring crayons and pencils, please reach out to us for details. Students in CO & HI who have experienced trauma from fires have started this movement to help LA students. We would love for you to join this effort to make a difference! Email us at info@discoveryartforyouth.org
A Peek Inside - Discover at The Ocean
How our books have helped other communities after devastating fires
"We are so grateful for your donation of Discovery Art for Youth expressive
art coloring activity books! These coloring books supported our students after
the traumatic Marshall Fires that blazed through our community destroying over
1,000 homes. Students came back to school all needing something different to
begin their healing process. These books provided a safe way for students to
use creativity to process their turbulent emotions and discover how to regulate
their hearts. In addition, these books have helped our students cultivate
resilience, build confidence and learn new tools for social emotional wellness.
Overall, they are helping our students emotionally recover and reach their
full-potential. We are so grateful!"
Molly Kobus
School Counselor
Boulder, CO
“Mahalo for creating such a helpful and beautiful counseling tool that we can use with our students after the devastating fires we experienced on Maui. Our students LOVE their Discover Maui expressive art books! The reflections help our keiki process their emotions at the same time develop positive coping skills and build resilience. Our team is especially appreciative of how you incorporated important culturally relevant reflections and coloring pages. This book feels rooted in our culture and special for our community. Thank you for touching our lives with your gift and vision for our healing.”
Heather Long
School Counselor
Maui Hawaii
To discover the beauty of nature and wildlife and how spending time in nature has a powerful way of balancing our natural rhythm and helping us feel calm, clear and regulated.
To discover hope, healing and growth in our lives while interacting with the pages of our coloring activity books through creativity, self-expression, writing and coloring.
To discover how reflecting on a positive question can shift our perspective and help guide our inner transformation while discovering our value and voice.
A Creative Journey
Discover at The Ocean
a creative journey of hope, healing & growth
Our expressive art coloring activity books take children and youth on a creative discovery that starts on page one and comes full circle on the last page. The beginning of the book presents the idea that a child’s life is like a beautiful tree. As they interact with the reflective questions and express themselves, they cultivate the life of their tree. The coloring pages surround the child with the beauty of nature. From this place, they can learn, discover and grow from a place of peace, openness and curiosity. As they approach the last page, the child shifts from focusing on their own life and begins to realize they have beautiful leaves flowing from their tree that can bring hope, healing and kindness to others. This empowers children and youth to realize they have the ability to make the world a better place, in their own unique and creative way.
The Layout
We create high quality educational expressive art coloring activity books to help children and youth discover hope, healing and growth in their lives. Our coloring activity books have 40 interactive pages.
The left side has reflection for personal growth and self-expression.
The right side has a beautiful nature themed coloring page.

Hope * Healing * Growth
Expressive Art
Our high-quality expressive art coloring activity books help children and youth have a safe way to:
Process their Emotions
Foster Courage
Develop Positive Coping Skills
Reduce Anxiety
Express Themselves
Discover Hope
Cultivate Healing
Reflect and Grow
Know their Value
Find their Voice
and ultimately...
Realize how they can make a positive difference in this world.
The books are created to meet children and youth where they are.
They are simple enough you can adapt it for elementary age yet deep enough the middle school age and high school teens can go on a deeper journey of personal enrichment and growth. -
Art, when used as therapy, is part of nonverbal communication for children who may not be able to articulate their emotions and feelings. The coloring opens up a window into their heart and the reflection creates a safe way to start important conversations.
Teachers often use these books as a "soft start" for the day. There are 20 key reflective themes that make it easy to focus on one theme per week. This is a tool you can also use for personal enrichment and growth that is easy to flow into your overall planning.